Princess Leia Build-A-Bear Dress
As a hobby, I collect Star Wars Build-A-Bears. The next bear I wanted in my collection at the time was Princess Leia. I searched the internet for a Princess Leia dress that would fit a Build-A-Bear. I couldn’t find anything like what I wanted, so I decided to create it myself.
I patterned, mocked up, constructed, and embroidered this dress. This was before I was employed by the Appalachian State Costume Shop and was regularly sewing . All of the skills I used for this project were self-taught.

Final dress with hood up, front.

Final dress with hood down, side.

Final dress with hood down, back.

Initial planning for the front piece.

Planning for sleeve with a description I found online.

Planning for the train piece in the back of the dress.

Hood pattern planning.

Side panel planning before creating the pattern.

Pattern pieces of the side and back panels.

Pattern pieces for the belt.

Pattern pieces for the sleeve and front of dress.

Pattern pieces created for the oversized hood.